Background surrounding church of Corinth
• 6 themes of 1 Corinthians:
• Wisdom – Paul compares the shortcomings of human wisdom in light of divine wisdom (1:18
– 2:16)
• Rewards – Paul mentions two seats, judgement seat of God and judgement seat of Christ
(Romans 14:10, 2 Cor 5:10) and rewards (3:1–15)
• Spiritual Gifts in the Church – 4 times discussed (Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4, and 1
Corinthians 12-14). Corinthians takes more instruction from Paul because of their abuse of
their gifts
• Resurrection – 15:1-58 talks about both Christ’s and our resurrections
• Christian Living – Paul addresses those believers who have a pagan background: immorality
(5:1-12; 6:12-20), settling disputes between believers (6:1-11), marriage (7:1-40), tension
between liberty and license (8:1-13; 10:23 – 11:1), and separating pagan feasts from the
Lord’s Supper (11:17-22)
• Love – Following 12 chapters of patient, apostolic teaching, correction, and problem solving,
Paul brings in a shaft of resplendent (attractive and impressive) light in the form of love
(12:31) and shows love in one of the most moving, transcendent treatises (a work that
structures a subject) on love in all of human literature