Written = 780 bc
Sent to Nineveh – called for
Assyrians, King and all, wept
and repented
God forgave
Written = 614-612 bc (168 years
after Jonah)
Prophesies Assyria’s total
destruction – happened in 612
by Babylon with help of Medes
Written to the Nation of Judah
and to Israelites living in Judah
Assyria’s defeat becomes
Judah’s comfort – remember
what Nahum means…
Let’s look
at the book
of Nahum
(Only 3 chapters)
Very little known about the man – Nahum
We know his name means “God comforts”
Lived in Judah during King Josiah's reign
same time as Zephaniah and Jeremiah
Assyria conquered Israel 722 bc now
Babylonian King – Nabopolassar (father
of Nebuchadnezzar) conquers Assyria in
612 bc with the help of the Medes. (Neb is
very important in the book of Daniel – he
defeats Judah in 586bc.)
Chapter 1:
V2 The Lord is a jealous and avenging God: jealous = demands
exclusive devotion with zeal and passion; avenging = punishes
those who oppose Him
V3 Similar as Jonah 4:2: ”The Lord is slow to anger but great in
power…will not leave the guilty unpunished (righteous & just)…
abounding in love…”
V8 Nineveh will fall
V14 “No descendants left to bear your name…”
V15 “Look, there on the mountains (place of stability), the feet of
one who brings good news, who proclaims peace! Celebrate
your festivals, Judah, and fulfill your vows.”
Note song – Our God Reigns:
“How lovely on the mountains, are the feet of him who brings good
news, good news, announcing peace, proclaiming news of
happiness, our God reigns, our God reigns, Our God reigns…
Chapter 2 – 3 Assyria’s Destruction Described:
2:1 Attackers advance against you…guard
the fortress, watch the road, brace yourselves
and marshal (gather) your strength!”
2:2 Jacob’s splendor will be restored!
2:5 Nineveh summons her picked troops, yet
they stumble…
2:7 Nineveh will be exiled and carried away…
3:12 All your fortresses are like fig trees with
their first ripe fruit, when they are shaken, the
figs fall into the mouth of the eater.”
3: 18-19 “King of Assyria, your shepherds slumber; your
nobles (Politian’s) lie down to rest. Your people are
scattered on the mountains with no one to gather them.
Nothing can heal you; your wound is fatal. All who hear
the news about you clap their hands at your fall, for who
has not felt your endless cruelty?”
Similar to our 911… 2001 –
23 years to completely
forget…Assyria took 168 yrs
God is slow to anger and
compassionate… still!
God restores!
God is in control of world
events regardless how we
Our God Reigns!
What do we see?
Our God Reigns:
“How lovely on the mountains, are the feet of
him who brings good news, good news,
announcing peace, proclaiming news of
happiness, our God reigns, our God reigns,
Our God reigns…”